Thanks to the stellar efforts of my mum, brother and Jen, we are now back on line. I think feelings of relief are abounding, given that poor little Pearlie has been technology-free now for a couple of months. Not a bad thing in itself, but when you're home alone with kiddies, in a new town with only a couple of very very new friends, the need for a little adult communication becomes, well, kind of important for one's sanity.
We've also both really missed doing the blog, which is interesting given that we are both total luddites. It's been interesting to reflect on what it actually is about the writing process that we have missed. For me, it's the documentation, the 'making real' of this journey which, especially now in its tentative planning stage, can seem unreal. My drive for progress and results makes documentation satisfying. But enough of that...
What have we been up to? So much! The 2 most exciting things that spring to mind are that we got our DA approved
So as a result of these 2 most notable events we now have an exciting-looking land-planning wall
which we feasted on at the most amazingly spectacular place on the far south coast, Nelson Lagoon, aka our local swimming spot.
What a day! In addition to the plums (which are the most delectable combination of sweet juicy flesh with a slightly tart skin) was an olive loaf, baked by my love, featuring the olives I picked and pickled last year, an olive tapenade from Towamba Station Olives (local - yeah!) and goat's cheese from the SCPA markets. We are seriously busting our of our skins with excitement to be able to have a christmas day like that, let me tell you.
In addition to the aforementioned beauty, deliciousness and excitement, we've also been drying figs from our backyard tree, which is producing way more figs than we can possibly eat.
To dry them, you just quarter them and put them on a tray in the oven on the lowest heat possible. Prop the door open with a wooden spoon to let the moisture escape and keep checking on them, though they do take a while - ours were in overnight, around 8 hours.
We also made onion jam for our friends for christmas,
plaited mermaid necklaces and hair braids,
made a table runner for my mum's birthday featuring antique doilies, tablecloths and Olive's drawings of our Began adventures,
a spangly bolero for Kirstin in Thirroul,
and a skirt and top from Solomon Island souvenir sarongs for Meg in Nana Glen.
And then, at the end of the day we ate fire-roasted Buckajo corn while wading in the dam (check out that azolla crop!) and catching up with friends from afar.
Lots of other things too, but they deserve their own posts so stay tuned...
Oh Annie!! It is so nice to have you back here in this space! Can't wait to hear more about your adventures. Happy! Happy!