First order of business: Serena is happy with her skirts, and decided to take both the Australianas! Exciting, but also a little disappointing given my affection for the Tasmanian number. Serena even included in her email a special thanks to the linen scouts. Here here! I will be sure to post photos of the skirts in sheep-farming action when said photos are received.
Second order of business: Long overdue, well-received and quite beautiful Autumn showers meant that I was rained out of work this morning, so was able to take a bit of time to make a trio of green wool skirts - the first for the cool seasons ahead. Yay! I love Autumn. Absolutely my favourite time of year. In fact, if we had another baby, it's name would be Autumn. I'm that seriously devoted to this time of year. Cool nights but still quite lovely days, very clear blue skies, wind and rain, and the ocean still warm enough for comfortable swims. Gorgeous! So I always get a bit excited at this time of year, making heavier-weight skirts, which I do so love.

The green stripe featured in this little trio is an ex-curtain which was the proud recipient of a few little moth holes. I'm actually quite partial to a bit of a moth hole, as it lends itself to some good hole-covering tactics, which I have modelled here for you today. Moths, unlike humans, are actually random, so the holes they make are genuine-random, not contrived-random. I always think that things like leaves, spots and buttons, placed on fabric to cover holes and stains, look better then when I just bung them on trying to make them look random, so I say "yes!" to moths and spilled food.
Skirt number 1 was the holiest of the 3, so it was the obvious candidate for one of my favourite hole/stain-covering techniques: the applique leaf. It's multi-purpose, uses scraps of fabric, and looks ace because leaves are cool. And, in this instance, I used a fabric that is actually leaf print. Whacky!
Skirt number 2 had a big hole in the front, and some very small holes around the sides and back. The big hole called for another good hole/stain covering technique, known as 'the pleat'. Surprisingly, it's where you hide the hole inside a pleat. Wow. Inspired by my excellent and quite geniotic friend Nicole, I decided to do some hand-stitching over the pleat to help keep it flat and also add texture and interest.
I'm quite pleased. The little holes were going to get buttoned over, but then I decided to try a spot of machine darning, which I rather liked, so didn't bother about the buttons.
Skirt number 3 had just a teeny tiny hole in the front, which I hid inside one of the pin-tucks on the front. Bet you can't pick which one!
All in all, I'm pretty keen on this lot. The green stripe is a bit special, and the fabric is a beautiful weight which should be warm, but not at all bulky (the downside to some lovely wool fabrics).
My aim is to make 10 skirts this week, which should be with Georgie Love next week, and these, my friends, will be amongst them.